Friday, July 4, 2014


image:Swing Shift by E J Gold

 "talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see" 
~ arthur schopenhauer

ej gold is without a doubt a genius using his power of "seeing" to guide us into and through what to us appears as a vast unknown

and what exactly is he guiding us to?


a greater understanding of ourselves, a powerful connection with our Being and a remembering of our "Bigness" in terms of our journeys through space and time, you can listen to him speak to this here

right now he has a number of offerings all designed to help you in this quest

the Prosperity Path is a series of quantum orbs designed by ej that you can work with to clear past blocks, energize and invigorate your presence, manifest your true spiritual wishes and super charge your memory

the purpose of his Prosperity Ashram is to directly connect you with your higher self

and right now a new program is beginning, Total Recall Training ~ the specific focus of this new work is to get in contact with your past lifetimes

why does he do this? because he wants you to be aware that you are more than you know ~ bigger than you think ~ and more powerful than you ever dreamed

here are some links to these work paths if you are interested:

find the orbs @

learn more about Prosperity Ashram @

and call 530-271-2239 to find out more about Total Recall Training

wishing you luck on your journey


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