"root's beginning to work"
~ rex o'herlihan
a few days ago ej graced me with a wonderful vibrational medicine
to use in my practice, a blessed digeridoo piece ~ the dragonfly
healing, which you can see and flow with here
dragonfly healing
suddenly this afternoon as i was working on some diablo character
renewals i received a
very strong message to go outside, so i got up,
popped on some sunglasses, called serena and walked out into a
sweet and magical forest space
the sun was shining, it was warm but not hot, the scent of the woods
filling the air and our bird friends were sharing their greetings
serena headed over towards the trampoline and i followed thinking,
"good idea", as with the rain here the last week we haven't been
bouncing and we had missed the practice as it can be such a pure
and easy way to give thanks, energy and love back to the forest, the
sky, all our relations
on the down connect with the earth giving gratitude and opening to
a healing flow of energy between yourself and the earth ~ on the up
release your prayers and healings, blessings and grace to the vast sky
above and all that is
hopping up onto the trampoline today instead of facing the south as
i generally do i felt to face the east, and so i did, and here began an
amazing journey with a blue/green dragonfly friend
as i began to jump this small wonder came out of nowhere and
buzzed me coming very close, that in itself isn't particularly
unusual as they can be very friendly however my friend then turned
to look at me and began to dance with me as i flowed in gratitude
he was demonstrating complex flight patterns, connecting in an
incredible energetic movement and radiating a very strong presence
at a certain point i began to hear and tune back into ej's
dragonfly healing piece, then i began sharing this with dragonfly,
at this moment our dance intensified until we entered a timeless
space of a much larger scale ~ wonderful, beauty, another aspect
of my friend ~ a space for dragons and another form of my winged
after a time our movement naturally ended however still my new
friend remained so i simply sat and we were together
again he began to come closer and closer, almost touching but not
quite ~ many times we looked in each others eyes
i started considering the beautiful blessing ej had bestowed and his
work and discussions on "root prims" ~ an interesting area indeed...
here is a a simple explanation which can be provided by second life...
in the sl world creation system one can throw things essentially out
of bounds, beyond the map or "out of the box" so to speak by
attaching the "root prim" to some aspect of the "in box" reality and
then "throwing out" so to speak, the creation
and i thought, yes...the vibrational root IS beginning to work
then i began considering the uses of this in parallel world jaunting
and hopping...and was grateful that the dragon had shared
with me some very useful movement patterns
i am still grokking on all this and thought you might enjoy to as well
sending my deepest thanks to ej gold, my new friend and all that is
blessings to you in all your work
if you would like more info on root prims work please contact